RC Lake Bluff Boys High School League Champs

This entry was posted on Monday, 4 February, 2013

On Saturday February 2nd, The Racquet Club of Lake Bluff hosted CITA’s Boys High School League finals.  There was a nice group of spectators (mostly parents)  taking in the action.  The finalists were the teams from The Racquet Club of Lake Bluff and College Park Athletic Club (Team 2).  College Park had all three teams in the playoffs so kudos to them for doing so well.  Four courts of doubles are played by order of strength.  This league was created to provide high school players an opportunity to develop their doubles game with a little assistance from a coach.  In watching the matches, I was struck by the positive interactions between teammates and the sportsmanship of all the players towards one another.  RCLB took took the first court 6-1, 6-2 with both power and finesse.  Court 2 had different playing styles with everyone scrambling after every ball using slice and topspin.  Very fun to watch.  RCLB won court two 6-2, 6-2.  College Park needed to win courts 3 and 4.  Court three had a very tight match that went 3 sets with College Park winning 5-7, 6-4, 6-1.  Court four also went 3 sets with RCLB winning 6-7, 6-0, 6-1.  The team from the Racquet Club of Lake Bluff won 3-1.  It was great watching the next generation of tennis players.  Congratulations to everyone!  Well-done!

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