Women’s 3.0-4.0 Singles Champions – RC Lake Bluff

This entry was posted on Thursday, 10 May, 2012

Not only is singles a physically challenging game but it is a mentally challenging game. You’re up a break, then down a set, then down a break and up a set and now it’s up to the 10-point match tie-breaker to decide the outcome. The singles matches were hosted by The Racquet Club of Lake Bluff who also had a team in the Finals. Of the 4 matches played, three of the matches went to a match breaker. The match on court 1 was a 2 set win for Midtown-Bannockburn. But then it was crunch time. If Midtown-Bannockburn won one of those match tie-breakers, the matches would have been tied and they would have won in sets. But the players from RCLB, gathered their focus and won all of the match tie-breakers which allowed them to be the Champions once again. Kneeling: left to right – Paige Clifford, Holly Field; Standing: left to right – Sharon Deram, Kate Amaral, Fauzia AlsifikiWomen's 3.0-4.0 Singles Champions - RC Lake Bluff

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