Women’s 3.0 Thurs Doubles Champions – RC Lake Bluff

This entry was posted on Thursday, 10 May, 2012

Midtown-Bannockburn hosted the NC Women’s 3.0 Thursday Doubles Finals on 5/10. While The Racquet Club of Lake bluff and Glenbrook were in the finals, they, along with the rest of the teams in this league, have been slowly nurturing their players’ level of play and teaching them the fine art of doubles. Rules had to be learned and explained and a lot was done by everyone to ensure their players were ready when they stepped out on the court. The RC of Lake Bluff was more than ready as they swept all 4 matches. From left to right: Georgene Loos, Susan Moorman, Mihaela Polander, Andrea McCardl, Lisa Hunt, Coach Leslie McPeek, Anna Rogewicz, Donna Mazur, Kelli Ventling, Anne Carlins.

Women's 3.0 Thurs Doubles Champions - RC Lake Bluff


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