Women’s 4.0-4.5+ Champions – Midtown-Bannockburn

This entry was posted on Thursday, 10 May, 2012

The Women’s 4.0-4.5+ Singles matches were different from the 3.0-4.0 singles matches in that there were no split sets. No one strayed from their mission of taking it in two sets. So when it came down to deciding who the winner was, a bit of addition was needed. The hosts, Northbrook Racquet Club, had to start counting games since the matches were tied and the sets were tied. North Shore, unfortunately, had to default a court which made the difference in how close the game count was, less of an issue. Midtown-Bannockburn came out ahead 50-39 in games.Women's 4.0-4.5+ Champions - Midtown-Bannockburn

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