Women’s 4.0 Wed Champions – Midtown-Bannockburn 2

This entry was posted on Thursday, 10 May, 2012

Midtown-Bannockburn were the hosts of the NC Women’s 4.0 Wednesday League Finals on May 9th and also had a team in the finals. While the MTB 2 team strong-armed their opponents (North Shore)6-0 it was not without a fight. Three of the matches split sets and everyone out on the courts gave it their all. In the end, the players from both clubs came together to socialize after the matches which was a pleasant way to end the competition. From left to right: captain Jeff Bernales, Deb Kunz, Kris Blaser, Jaime Sylvan, Diane Egan, Christy Greeley, Andrea Brown, Julie Walsh,

Women's 4.0 Wed Champions - Midtown-Bannockburn 2

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