Women’s 3.5 Wed Champions – Glenbrook

This entry was posted on Monday, 14 May, 2012

The Women’s 3.5 league is a passionate league full of players who are working hard on their game. They all want to play better, learn how to move on the court, how to counter opponent’s shots and how to win. They are learning how to partner with another person, to communicate (WATCH OUT!! YOURS) with them, and hopefully learning how make the partner feel okay even if they missed a shot. Glenbrook Racquet Club was hosting the Finals of the Women’s 3.5 league and they had a team in the Finals against North Shore. GRC had a slight home court advantage but it was slight. There were no blowout matches. Glenbrok won 3 of the matches in 2 sets and they knew they only needed one more to make it a decisive win. Courts 1, 4 and 6 were in a 3rd set battle. GRC knew that even if they tied in matches, they would win in sets. But everyone wanted to know the full outcome. Court 1 went GRC’s way with courts 4 and 6 going to North Shore. Glenbrook won 4-2 in the end with everyone on both teams giving it their all.

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