Women’s 4.5 Red Champions – Northbrook

This entry was posted on Monday, 14 May, 2012

The Women’s 4.5 Red league has the most teams in the league and teams that are closely competitively to one another. It was anyone’s guess who would be in the playoffs as several teams were within a point or 2 from one another. Northbrook eeked out a win against North Shore 2 in the playoffs and went on to edge out the #1 regular season team Midtown-Bannockburn in the Finals. Every match was close with 4 of the matches going to a 3rd set. Kneeling L-R: Mary Ann Simpson, Linda Redstone, Olga Ovnanyan, Nicki Kott & Liesel Jankelowitz; Back Row L-R: Sharon Yagoda, Jan Gaines, Jim Doessel, Barb Lafasto, Penny Naal, Tammy Levin, Michele Lustig, Steve Heaviland & Ania Snape.

Women's 4.5 Red Champions - Northbrook

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