Women’s Open Green Champions – RC Lake Bluff

This entry was posted on Monday, 14 May, 2012

Five Seasons Family Sports Club hosted the Women’s Open Green Championships on May 11th. It is always exciting to see the Finals come down to games. Every match counts, every set counts, every game counts and, really, every point counts. One by one the matches come off the court, ecstatic over their win or disappointed with their loss. They know they have a good team of players on their team so they cheer on their teammates. But now we are down to 2 matches who are playing their 3rd set. Each captain is starting to count games but each hoping they will win the 3rd set so they don’t have to count games. MTB wins court 4 in a 3rd set tie-breaker and RCLB wins court 6. RCLB edged out Midtown-Bannockburn in games 71-61. Kneeling, l-r: Beth Jones, Alison Koopsen, Audrey Koopsen, Rosemary O’Connell, Linda DeBiase. Standing, l-r: Julia Miller, Julie O’Malley, Lisa Massar, Leslie McPeek, Hollis, McPeek, Kathy Logic, Deb Springgate, Margaret Kiela, Pam click, Catherine Batinovic, and Diane Gregg.

Women's Open Green Champions - RC Lake Bluff


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