New Website Overview

This entry was posted on Wednesday, 19 September, 2012

The Chicagoland Indoor Tennis Association (CITA) has embarked on creating our own database.  The following is a quick overview of the site:

Home:  The Home page is the first thing you will see when you enter  You will be in the North/Central Home page.  The Home page provides you with the ability to see the Standings and the Scores  of the matches.  It will give you the Latest News and it will provide you with General Information under Member Services.  Up at the top right hand corner you will see Northwest and Login.  If you click on Northwest, you will be taken to the Northwest Division Home page.  Login is for the Captains of the teams.  The Login allows the captains to input their lineups, scores, players and other administrative tasks.

North/Central League:  The North/Central League tab lists all the leagues on the left hand side.  If you click on one of the leagues, you will see the Standings and Schedule change accordingly.  Under Standings, you will see from left-to-right, Teams, Percentage, Won, Lost, Weeks and a date (if a match has been played).  The Teams are the Clubs who have a team in the league.  Pct. or Percentage give you the win percentage.  So, if each match is worth a possible 18 points and the team won 10 points out of 18 points, the win percentage will read 55.56%.  Won and Lost are the points won or lost.  It will add up the points from match to match.  Weeks indicate the number of matches each team will play.  In some cases you will see a team play 12 weeks in stead of 13 weeks.  This is due to the Byes.  Lastly, Date of Match will show the points from the match.  If you put your mouse arrow over the box you will see it highlight.  Click on the box and a Score Detail will show up in a separate tab in your browser.

Clubs:  The Chicagoland Indoor Tennis Association’s member clubs are shown on the left hand side.  If you click on one of the clubs, it will provide you with the Club’s address, phone number, web address, directions, schedules for all the teams associated with the club, along with club rosters, and club standings.

News:  Provides you with the Latest News as seen on the Home Page but in a slightly different format.

Forms:  Provides you with the ability to print out the rules in a .pdf format.  There is a scoring sample for Singles matches as well.

Archive Results:  Provides you with information from the previous year in a similar format as the current year.

Rules:  Provides you with our current rules.  Several rules changed this year.  It is always a good idea to review the rules.

Contact:  Provides you with the Executive Director’s contact information.

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