NC Women’s 4.0 Wednesday Doubles Playoff Recap

This entry was posted on Sunday, 7 May, 2017

Our 4.0 Wednesday teams are very competitive with one another. The players themselves have played a number of years and have their strong points and their weak points. At this level, who you play against may impact your wins or losses. You may like players who hit hard and will win against them every time but against a defensive lobber, you are toast. Every win or loss are opportunities to work on your weaknesses and strengths. It just takes a little more effort to work around those pesky players. With 8 teams in this league, and the defending champion no longer in this league (they moved up to the 4.5 Green), it was probable that some of the teams who were in the playoffs last year show up against this year. Midtown-Palatine was in the finals last year but Midtown-Chicago, who made the playoffs last year only to lose to Lakeshore, dashed their hopes this year with a 4-2 win. Glenbrook and Midtown-Bannockburn built up their team this year and both teams were extremely competitive with one another. Three of the matches went to a 3rd set 10 point match tie-break. But because Glenbrook won 2 of the matches in 2 sets and the 3rd match in a match tie-break, they broke the 3-3 match tie by one set. Glenbrook and Midtown Chicago will play against each other on May 10th at Five Seasons Sports Club at 11am.

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