NC Women’s 4.5-Open Singles Playoff Recap

This entry was posted on Monday, 8 May, 2017

The start of the season was a bit bumpy for the NC Women’s 4.5-Open Singles League. The season started with six teams but Northbrook wasn’t sure they had enough players to fully compete (they did thanks to Terri Gordon who made calls and rallied everyone to support the team) but Glenbrook decided to drop their team after 3 matches in the season. Thankfully, the league pulled itself together. Midtown-Bannockburn 2 started the season in last place but started to move into 4th place in January, then 2nd place and then 1st place in February which they held all the way to the end of the season. The addition of Bright Phakamad to their team helped secure their wins so when Northbrook, who ended the season in 4th place, came into the playoffs against Midtown-Bannockburn 2, they knew they would need a strong lineup against them, especially since they lost to MTB 2 in their last regular season match 9-3. For the playoffs, NRC secured a win over MTB 2 in hard fought matches. MTB 2’s lineup was without Bright but everyone stepped up their game and left everything on the court. The other playoff teams were Libertyville and North Shore. On court 1, Rita Lilydahl (LIB) and Becky Moffatt battled it out to a 3rd set tie-breaker. Becky prevailed as did the rest of her team. The Finals between North Shore and Northbrook will take place at Northbrook Racquet Club on May 11 at 12pm.

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