NC Women’s 4.5 Red Doubles Playoff Recap

This entry was posted on Tuesday, 9 May, 2017

The NCW4.5 Red league has several very competitive team. Six of the nine teams were within spitting distance of getting into the playoffs. So understandably disappointment abounds when your team doesn’t make it and elation prevails when your team does. The four teams in the playoffs were River Trails against North Shore and Midtown-Palatine against Midtown-Bannockburn. River Trails, who ended the season in 1st place, was challenged by North Shore’s team. Each team took 3 matches each but a match tie-breaker win by NSRC gave RTTC one extra set to put them in the Finals. Midtown-Palatine won 5-1 against Midtown-Bannockburn but looking at the scores, several of the matches could have shifted in favor of MTB. The finals between RTTC and MTP will take place at Glenbrook Racquet Club on May 12th at 10am.

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