NC Women’s Open Doubles Playoff Recap

This entry was posted on Tuesday, 9 May, 2017

The NC Women’s Open league saw some changes this year. Instead of having Open Green and Open Red leagues, the Open leagues were divided into two groups consisting of teams from last year’s Open Green and Open Red leagues. Two Open Red teams went into each group – Group 1 and Group 2 and the Open Green teams were likewise divided between the 2 groups. Each group had 7 teams. In order to still keep 2 sets of playoffs – essentially having an Open Red Playoff and an Open Green Playoff, the top 2 teams from each group and the 3rd and 4th place teams in each group would playoff against one another in two separate playoffs. Confused?
Instead of explaining further, the Open Red playoffs consisted of Group 1’s College Park East playing against Group 2’s RC Lake Bluff and Group 1’s Northbrook playing against North Shore. The Open Green playoffs consisted of Group 1’s other North Shore team playing against Group 2’s Glenbrook and Midtown-Palatine playing against Group 2’s Libertyville.
The outcome was as follows: CPAC-E won 4-2 against RCLB. Unfortunately, CPAC’s Suzanne DeMirjian took a fall and injured herself. We hope she will be able to recover quickly and well!! Northbrook won 5-1 against North Shore (Jerry’s team). The finals between College Park and Northbrook will take place at College Park on May 12th at 10:30am.
North Shore (Leanne’s team) played against Glenbrook. Despite having to default a court on the day of the match, Glenbrook pulled out a 4-2 win over NSRC. Midtown-Palatine also received a default from Libertyville and despite losing on court 1, won the rest of the matches. MTP won 5-1. Glenbrook and Midtown-Palatine will play against each other at RC Lake Bluff on May 12th at 11am.

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