2018 NC Women’s 3.0-3.5 Singles Champions-Midtown-Palatine Team 1

This entry was posted on Wednesday, 9 May, 2018

MTP 1 3.0-3.5 Sngls team
Pictured: Coach Krisztina Anderko, Shari Glickman, Stephanie Platt, Captain Bindoo Rizzo, Kim Lee, Maureen Ahern
Not pictured: Wendy Farley, Cherrie Hahn, Liz Jimenez, Stephanie Nieszel, Nobue Otsuka
The Finalists of the NC Women’s 3.0-3.5 Singles League came from the same club, Midtown-Palatine, and have the same coach, Krisztina Anderko, who has worked with the players to develop their strengths and counter their weaknesses. But come game time, it is up to the players to let go of nerves, to see their friend across their net as an opponent and give it their all. MTP 2 won on courts 1 and 3. MTP 1 won on courts 2 and 4. Both teams won 4 sets apiece. It came down to counting the number of games won. Five games separated the two teams. While MTP 1 came out victorious, both teams brought home a win for their club. Congratulations!

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