2018 NC Women’s 3.5 Champions – Midtown-Chicago Team 1

This entry was posted on Wednesday, 9 May, 2018

MTC1 - NCW3.5 Champions-c1
Midtown-Chicago Team 1 and Midtown-Palatine had some epic matches in the finals with 3 of the matches going to 3 sets and one of the 3 set matches ending in a tie-breaker. I can only tell you that when I called over at the club 3 hours after the matches started, the shouts and screams and exuberance over every point could be heard over the phone. Midtown-Chicago 1 and Midtown-Palatine tied in matches 3-3 but MTC(1) was declared the winner after the sets were counted. They won 8 sets to 7 sets. Congratulations!

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